Centre for LSP-teaching
This Online-Center for LSP-teaching is one of the results of the project IDIAL4P funded by the European Commission from the 1st of January 2010 until the 31st of December 2011. It is described in more detail on the project’s website www.idial4p-projekt.de.
It offers material to teach languages for special purposes (LSP) in trainings on the job and in educational institutions, can be used by language teachers for their autonomous further education and tries to encourage other users to create and offer their own LSP-material worldwide.
The goal of this LSP Online-Center is to make a growing number of LSP quality material permanently available for a multitude of target languages (German, Bulgarian, Hungarian Polish, Russian, and Slovenian to start with) and favour LSP teaching in general.
In order to achieve this, this website will depend on the contributions of its users.
Last Updated on Wednesday, 25 April 2018 10:26 |